Having perfectly sanitized environments is a basic requirement for all those places where children are left during the day.
Schools cleaning services and kindergarten must be done following precise protocols to guarantee high quality standards.
A professional commercial cleaning services company operating in these facilities must pay attention to the type of products it uses, to sanitize every place, to make the classrooms and common areas pleasant.
When looking for janitorial services in Vancouver and building maintenance services and building jantorial cleaning services, in schools it is essential to focus first of all on safety and quality. Many people walk within these spaces and it is essential that cleaning services takes place properly with the use of non-harmful, allergen-free and at the same time effective products.
Cleaning Services we offer:
commercial cleaning Vancouver
residential and commercial buildings, restaurants and pub,
medical facilities and more.
Primero cleaning services offers a great daily and weekly janitorial cleaning service for schools and kindergartens in Metro Vancouver Area.
In environments dedicated to children, hygiene and healthiness are values that absolutely cannot be underestimated, Primero Cleaning Services uses all its professionalism, the punctuality that distinguishes its services and competence, to provide an impeccable and qualitative service without comparisons for all facilities dedicated to early childhood and adolescence.
The quality of Primero Cleaning Services is guaranteed not only by the use of certified Eco Friendly materials, but also thanks to a process of continuous training and updating on the main cleaning techniques, machinery and, more generally, on job training for the best building maintenance services in Vancouver!
Making the school environment clean and healthy is a process that involves countless factors.
Schools and kindergartens in Vancouver are generally very large environments, which often require continuous and targeted interventions.
Cleaning in schools includes all environments where children and adolescents spend most of the day or use continuously: this refers to hallways, stairs, classrooms, play areas and bathrooms.
All environments where it is important to carefully eliminate dirt and dust, to prevent the onset of unpleasant hygienic-sanitary situations and to preserve the health and well-being of children.
For this reason you need a professional commercial janitorial cleaning service for your schools like Primero Cleaning Services, the number one rated janitorial building maintenance services in the Lower Mainland Vancouver B.C.
One of the areas where more attention should be paid is the kitchen.
As a place dedicated to the preparation of food, the cleaning of the school kitchen cannot and absolutely must not avoid strict sanitation and sanitation interventions, so that the prepared and stored food is absolutely free from health risks and possible complications at the hygiene level.
This particular type of intervention must therefore be treated with professionalism and flawless competence, as well as the safety and maintenance of any open spaces, such as gardens and courtyards, often dedicated to leisure or recreational and educational activities in the open air.
Also in this case, the commercial cleaning service of the Vancouver's schools and kindergartens makes use of specific machinery and know-how applied directly to the building maintenance of open spaces.
Primero Cleaning Services
#1601 – 1783 Manitoba Street Vancouver, BC, V5Y 0K1
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